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Albox Computer Club logo

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ACC is a registered non-profit Associación which meets weekly on Fridays. Meetings are for 10:00 and we generally start any club business and/or demonstrations at around 1015. You can arrive anytime from 0930 onwards . From 12:30 onwards we have hands-on help for members.

Meetings are at La Parrilla in Albox, where we have a fast internet connection. Light refreshments and meals are available, at the normal cafe prices.

The room (separate from the cafe) accomodates 40-55 people in reasonable comfort. If you bring a system with you, please also bring a multi-way extension if you need to use more than one socket.

Membership is €12 per year plus session charges - see website - visitors are very welcome, at €2 per session. The money ALL goes to the Acc funds for extra facilities and/or other activities.

We have a video projector and large screen, and a sound system for demonstrations. Plus a variety of items for loan to members

We also have a Wi-Fi link for the duration of the club, so members can bring in a Wi-Fi enabled computer.

We also have a section, PIRdA, which refurbishes old/broken computers for deserving causes.

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Contact us


La Parrilla
Plaza del Pueblo

Telephone: 950 064 311

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